

This option only appears in connection with reports which require aspect orbs to be used. In this case you will see a table of aspects which has one row for each aspect type, and four aspect orbs listed in the four columns for each aspect type. These columns are as follows.

Lum App - The orb for luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) when the aspect is applying (approaching exactness).

Lum Sep - The orb for luminaries when the aspect is separating (leaving exactness).

Oth App - The orb for all non-luminaries (all chart points apart from the Sun and the Moon) when the aspect is applying.

Oth Sep - The orb for all non-luminaries when the aspect is separating.

You can edit any orb by clicking on it, and then typing in a new orb. (See Entering Angles for instructions on entering angles.)

>> To switch off an aspect

1.Edit all the orbs in that aspect’s row to be zero.

This will ensure that aspect is not used in the report.

>> To switch on an aspect

1.Edit at least one of the orbs in that aspect’s row to be non-zero.

This will ensure that the aspect is included in the displayed chart if it is within orb, and will also be interpreted in the report if any related interpretation text exists for it.

There are also two extra options

By Orb – When selected, this prevents any aspects from appearing in the chart (and interpretations) unless they are within the specified orbs.

By Sign - When selected, this prevents any aspects from appearing in the chart (and interpretations) unless they are in aspect by sign. For example, if the Moon is at 29 Aries and Neptune is at 1 Scorpio, then they are only 2 degrees off an exact opposition, but they are not in opposite signs, so are not considered to be in aspect by sign.

If BOTH of the previous options are checked, then only those aspects which are within the specified orb AND also in aspect by sign will be included in the charts and reports.

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