Entering Angles

Angles may be required to be entered in several different places in the program, e.g. when editing aspect orbs or editing user-defined zodiacal sidereal offset.

Angles may be entered in degrees, minutes and seconds or as decimal degrees or in degrees, zodiac sign, minutes and seconds. Whenever an angle is entered, Solar Writer will convert it into a standard format, unless it cannot understand the entry, in which case an error message will be displayed, and you can try entering an angle again.

If the angle you are entering is not a zodiacal angle then:

The angle must have at least a degree number. It may also have a minutes number and a seconds number. The minutes and seconds number must be between 0 and 59 only. Some examples of valid angle entries are as follows...

 23                                23 59                                23 59 59                

If the angle you are entering is a zodiacal angle then:

The angle must have at least a zodiacal abbreviation or a degree number. It may also have a minutes number and a seconds number. The minutes and seconds number must be between 0 and 59 only. If you enter a zodiacal abbreviation of 2 letters, then it must be one of the following - Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, Aq, Pi. If you enter more than 2 characters of a sign name, then it must be an exact part of the full name of the zodiac sign e.g. "Sag" for Sagittarius.

Some examples of valid zodiacal angle entries are as follows.

23Aries                                23Ar                                23Ar59 59                                23 Aries 59 59

133 23                                12 Cn 23

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