Text Styles


It is possible to set a text style for each of several different categories of text in the report. The categories are:

Main Header - This is the main title of the report, which appears on the front page of the report. Typically this style might be a large font, underlined, centred.

Compliments Text - This is your contact details (or other information that you choose to set under the Compliments tab), which appears on the front page of the report, underneath the main header. Typically this style might be a medium font, italicised and centred.

Section Headers - These are section titles within the report, which appear at the beginning of each section in the report (e.g. “Planets in Houses”, “The Humors” etc.). Typically this style might be a medium font, underlined, emboldened, centred, and colored.

Astrological Titles - These are astrological keyword titles which precede an explanatory paragraph. (If the Show Astrological Titles option is set to “Show None”, then this style is not used in the report - also see below.) Typically this style might be a medium font, italicised, left-justified and colored.

Body Text - This is the main text of the report, usually appearing as paragraphs following section headers and/or astrological titles. (Note that the body text may also occasionally contain style settings for certain words or phrases which are set by the author, and cannot be changed by the user. These style settings override whatever body text style is set here.) Typically this style might be a medium font, fully justified.

Page Headers - These are the lines at the very top of each page indicating the report type, chart name and the current page number of the report. These lines appear in the printed report only - they are not visible when browsing the report on the screen prior to printing.

>> To select a font, font style, size and color

1.Highlight the required text category in the list.

2.Click on the Font... button.

This will display a standard font selection dialog from which the various attributes may be selected.

>> To select the text justification

1.Click on one of the text justification buttons above the Font... button.

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