Show Astrological Titles


Astrological Titles are keyword lines which precede an explanatory paragraph e.g.

Jupiter is in Aries

You are likely to have a tendency to be overbearing at times...

The available options are:

Use Author’s default - The report may contain sections where the author has switched astrological keyword titles on, and others where they have been switched off. This option ensures that the author’s instructions for deciding which keyword titles are displayed is adhered to. (However, note that most reports are likely to have been authored so that all keyword titles are always displayed, so this option will usually have the same effect as “Show All” option.)

Show All - This ensures that all astrological keyword titles are always displayed.

Show None - This ensures that astrological keyword titles are never displayed. This option may be useful if you are producing reports for people who have no astrological knowledge, in which case the astrological keyword titles may simply confuse them.

Our Solar Writer quality interpretation reports for Windows are beautifully illustrated and written by world-renowned astrologers.