

You can select which planets and chart points you wish to display in chart wheels. The list of available chart points includes all the known planets, the moon’s nodes, some asteroids, the chart’s angles, the Part of the Fortune, some hypothetical planets and the Black Moon Lilith (mean position).

If the point is in shown indented, in brackets and in a non-bold font, then it is NOT selected. If the point is in bold font without brackets, then it is selected.

>> To select or unselect a planet or chart point

1.Click on the required planet and then click on the On/Off button, or just double-click on the required planet.

>> To change the displayed color of a planet or chart point

1.Click on the required planet and then click on Color button.

This will invoke a standard Windows color selection dialog, from which the required color make be selected.

Any selections made here affect only which points are displayed in the chart wheel. It does not affect anything in the text of the report, and therefore the report will continue to use its own pre-defined set of chart points regardless of the selection made here.

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