The following examples are extracts from listings of a couple of input text files used to compile reports for Solar Writer.

The first file contains text for the main title. The rest of the entries are include directives which tell the compiler to read additional files containing the remainder of the interpretations text.

Extract from file: Main.txt


; Main Report Definition File



Lee Lehman's Classical Astrology Report

#include intro.txt

#include glossary.txt

#include humors.txt

#include houses.txt

#include insigns.txt

#include aspects.txt

#include faces.txt

Extract from file: Aspects.txt

; Aspect interpretations

*Section 1

Aspect Interpretations

;Note: the significator of an aspect is the planet with the most essential dignity and least essential debility. If these are equal, then it is the planet with the greatest accidental dignity. If still equal, it is the one in sect. If still equal, then either statement may be true.


An <BOLDON>aspect<BOLDOFF> is an angular relationship between two bodies that has an interpretation based on the bodies involved, and the nature of the angular relationship.

There are several major philosophical differences in the approach to aspects between Classical Astrology and Modern.

The first concerns how to define the <BOLDON>orb<BOLDOFF>, or allowable angular separation between two bodies that can still be considered an aspect. Modern Astrology has a whole series of possible definitions:


<BULLET>All planets can have the same orb, with the size of the orb basically being determined by the "School" of Astrology represented. For example, Cosmobiology and Uranian have tended to use small orbs or less than two degrees.

<BULLET>The Lights (the Sun and Moon) are assigned a larger orb, and the rest of the planets are assigned a smaller orb.

<BULLET>The orb size is determined by the harmonic of the aspect. Conjunctions get the largest size, then oppositions, trines, squares, sextiles, etc.


*Section 2

Aspect Interpretations according to Salmon


The following interpretations (if any apply to your chart) are from Salmon (1679), pp 65-83.

* Jupiter conjunct Saturn

You may inherit houses and lands, possessions, and many worldly profits arising from cultivating the Earth and tillage.

+ If Mars is peregrine

+ If Mars is in detriment

+ If Mars is in fall

+ If Mars is combust

However, any inheritances you acquire will be lost through quarrels, fighting, or misuse.

+ If Jupiter is Significator

You are mistrustful.

* Mars conjunct Saturn

You will be afflicted, and vexed, and shall undergo many troubles, and go through great difficulties.

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