It is possible to view further information on items in the dynamic report, such as interpretations or a list of aspects to eclipses. This option also makes it possible to see the full name of any fixed star, Arabic Part or asteroid that appears in abbreviated form in a line of the dynamic report


>> To view further information on an item

Select a report line by clicking on it and then select the Item Info button, or double-click on a line in the report

The Item Info dialog box will be displayed.



The top box in this screen will show in words, what dynamic event this line contains, followed by an interpretation of that event, if interpretation text exists for that type of event.

The bottom box will list any similar events that are found in the report, e.g. if the selected line is transiting Saturn square natal Moon, then any other exact, entering or leaving hits of this transit will also be listed. Also, if the selected event is a transit to a radix chart, then the total number of exact hits that will occur during this transit is listed, plus the number of hits that occurred before the report period, and/or the number that will occur after the report period.

If the event is an eclipse or a stationary point of a planet (i.e. going direct or retrograde), then a list of aspects of points in the radix chart to the eclipse or stationery position is shown. The aspects used in this list are those in Solar Fire’s currently selected aspect set.

When you have finished looking at the information in this dialog box, clicking on the OK button will cause it to disappear.

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