Combining Search Conditions with Boolean Logic

In the "Chart Search" dialog box, if you have more than one search condition, then you must ensure that they are combined using the correct logical (Boolean) operators in the "List of Search Conditions".

The AND operator requires that BOTH conditions which it links are satisfied in order to pass the test.

The OR operator requires that EITHER ONE or BOTH conditions which it links may be satisfied in order to pass the test.

It is also possible to apply a NOT operator, which simply reverses the individual condition to which it is applied.


>> To apply the NOT operator to a condition

1.Highlight the condition you wish to negate.

2.Click on the Not button.


>> To toggle between the AND or OR operator between two conditions or bracketed group of conditions

1.Highlight the second condition of the two you wish to act on (or the first condition of the second group of conditions, if it forms part of a bracket group).

2.Click on the And/Or button.


>> To toggle bracketing on subgroups of conditions

1.Highlight all the conditions you wish to bracket or unbracket together (must be a sequential group of conditions in the list).

2.Click on the (...) button.

3.If that group is not already bracketed, then it will be bracketed. If it is already bracketed, then it will be unbracketed.

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