Chart Search and Electional Search

These two modules both allow you to search using a variety of simple or advanced criteria, such as for a planet being in specified house or sign, a particular aspect being formed between two planets, a specified aspect pattern existing, the moon being void of course, and many others.

As well as searches using a single condition, you can combine criteria to perform complex searches involving many different factors. For example, you could search for the Moon in either Taurus or Gemini, and the Sun in the 7th house square Uranus.

The Electional Search module allows you perform searches through time, and presents a list of matching periods of time during which the criteria are satisfied. It also lists times when exact aspects are formed or other exact criteria reached, where relevant. You can search for purely mundane conditions on their own (involving transiting positions), or you can search for transiting positions in relation to a given radix chart.

The Chart Search module allows you to search through your stored charts, and presents a list of stored charts that satisfy the criteria. In addition to astrological criteria, this module also allows you to use chart data criteria in a search (such as chart name, date, time, house system etc). You can search based purely on the information in the stored charts, or you can search for stored chart positions in relation to a given radix chart.

Chart Search

Electional Search

Specifying Search Conditions

Creating the List of Search Conditions

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