When composing chart search conditions, "At Position" allows you to select...

A Planet, Point or Cusp – any of Solar Fire’s standard chart points, or any of the 12 house cusps

A Point Modifier – a modifier to apply to the selected point or cusp, such as the ruler of that point, the degree almuten of that point, the antiscia of that point, the contra-antiscia of that point.

An Aspect or Aspect Type – an individual aspect in the currently selected aspect set, any aspect, any soft aspect, any hard aspect.

An Aspect Modifier – a modifier to apply to the selected aspect, such as applying only, separating only, or applying or partile.

A Fixed Zodiacal Longitude

Examples: Mars conjunct 23Ta00’; The Traditional Ruler of the 5th House Cusp in any applying aspect to 17Cp30’; The antiscia of the Ascendant in applying soft aspect to 9Cn23’48”.

Note: The aspect orbs that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently selected aspect set, as specified in the “Aspect Set” box at the bottom of this dialog. If you wish to change the orbs, then you can either edit this aspect set, or select a different aspect set.

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