When composing chart search conditions, "Aspect Pattern" allows you to select one of the available aspect patterns to search for...


>> To see a list and preview of each available aspect pattern type

Click on the View Patterns… button.

This displays the Aspect Pattern dialog allowing you to browse through the available patterns, and see a preview of the pattern showing its shape and individual aspect makeup.

Note: The chart points that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently specified pattern points set. If you wish to change the selection of points to use, then you can either edit this point set, or select a different point set by clicking on the > button to the right of the Pattern Points box. In particular, it is important to decide whether you want chart angles (such as the Ascendant and Midheaven) to be included in your search. If you are doing an Electional Search, and you include any chart angles, then the search will take much longer (and produce many more hits) because the chart angles move so quickly. If you are doing a Chart Search, this factor is not relevant, but you may still want to decide whether or not you are interested in pattern involving the chart angles, or whether you prefer to limit the search only to planets, for example.

Note: The aspect orbs that will be used in the search are those specified in the currently selected aspect set, as specified in the “Aspect Set” box at the bottom of this dialog. If you wish to change the orbs, then you can either edit this aspect set, or select a different aspect set by clicking on the > button to the right of the Aspect Set box.

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