Using Solar Writer Timezone Tables


Any place which is stored in a Solar Writer place database file may be linked to a lookup table of time zone changes, so that Solar Writer can automatically find the appropriate time zone for any date.

The timezone table is fully editable, so that you have the option of entering your own data, or if necessary making corrections to any timezone data which is out-of-date.

>> To access the timezone table selections

1.Enter Solar Writer’s place database by clicking on the Place button in any screen.

2.Select a place for which you wish to view, edit or select timezone tables.

3.Click on the Table button. This will display the “TimeZone Table“ dialog box.

From this screen, you can create new zone tables, edit existing tables, delete them, or select a table for use with the currently selected location.

>> To create a new zone table

1.Click on the Add New button. This will display the “Edit Time Zone Table” dialog for a new table with no entries.

2.Follow the instructions below for editing a zone table ....

>> To delete a zone table

1.Select the required entry on the list of available zone tables

2.Click on the Delete button.

>> To select a zone table for the currently selected location

1.Select the required entry on the list of available zone tables

2.Click on the Select button.

>> To select a zone table for many locations at once

From the Place Database screen, select all the required locations by clicking on them individually with the Ctrl key held down, or by clicking on the All button.

1.Click on the Table. button.

2.Select a table from the list of available time zone tables.

3.Click on the Select button.

>> To unselect a zone table for one or more locations

1.From the Place Database screen, select all the required locations by clicking on them individually with the Ctrl key held down, or by clicking on the All button.

2.Select the Table button.

3.Select the !No Table! entry from the list.

4.Click on the Select button - all the selected locations will revert to using a fixed time zone instead of a zone table.

Editing a Time Zone Table

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