Solar Writer Project Files

When you select a Solar Writer report using the Report/Select menu item, you are selecting a Solar Writer Project (*.swp) file which contains all the required information about the report. Solar Writer uses this file to determine various settings and options for the selected report. These *.swp files have an internal format which is based on the standard conventions of Windows INI files. An example of the contents of this file are as follows:



Title=Modern Astrology Report









The individual items are defined as follows:

Caption - The brief title by which the report is known - this will be displayed in the Report Viewer title bar.

FrontPageTitle - The brief title by which appears on the report’s front page. (If absent, this defaults to the same value as Caption).

Title - The full title of the report

Description – A brief description of the report type

Author – Author’s name

Translator – Translator’s name

FrontPageGraphicFile – Filename for graphic displayed on front page of report

FrontPageGraphicWidth – real number in range 0.0 to 1.0 indicating proportion of page width to scale front page graphic (e.g. 0.5 to scale to 50% of page width). Defaults to 0.3.

FrontPageStyle – 0 = Old Style; 1 = New Style. Controls layout of report’s front page. The new style is recommended for use for any custom reports.

BinaryFile - The name of the file which contains the compiled report text (if this has no path, then it is assumed to be in Solar Writer’s main directory)

SourceAvailable - 0 = Report/Compile option should be made invisible; 1 = Report/Compile option should be made visible.

SourceFile - The name of the file which contains the source text (if this has no path, then it is assumed to be in Solar Writer’s main directory). If SourceAvailable is zero, then this is ignored.

AspectFile - The name of the aspect definition file which is to be used to store the user-defined aspect information (if this has no path, then it is assumed to be in Solar Writer’s USERDATA subdirectory). Note that only those aspects which are switched on in this aspect file can be used in the report. For most purposes, it is recommended that you use ‘modern.asp’, which contains all of the commonly used 8th and 12th harmonic aspects.

AlmFile - The name of the almuten definition file which is to be used to with the report (if this has no path, then it is assumed to be in Solar Writer’s main directory).

ParaTitles - 0 = Use author’s default; 1= Show All Keyword Lines; 2 = Show None

Points - A list of flags indicating which planets are displayed and hidden

SplashFile - The name of the bitmap file which is to be used on the opening screen of Solar Writer (if this has no path, then it is assumed to be in Solar Writer’s main directory).

Synastry – 1 = The user will be required to open and cast two charts before a report can be generated. This is needed for synastry reports.

GetChartGender – 1 = The user will be prompted to enter the gender of the chart/s before the report is generated (unless the chart gender was already previously specified and stored with the chart). This option is necessary for charts which contain gender text substitution.

StarFile – The name (and optionally full path) of a Solar Fire fixed star file which contains entries for those stars referred to in keywords requiring the names of stars.

GetQuesitedHouse – 1 = The user will be prompted to select which house number (1 to 12) to designate as the quesited house. This is needed for horary reports.

IncludesDynRep – 1 = The report uses one or more dynamic interpretations files.

DynFilex – The name (and optionally full path) of the xth dynamic interpretations file for this report type. Typically there is only one such file for a report, so x=1.

DynTypeNamex – The titular name for the dynamic method of xth dynamic interpretations file. (e.g. =“Transits”).

DynP1TypeNamex - The adjectival name for the dynamic method of the 1st dynamic points in the xth dynamic interpretations file. (e.g. =“Transiting”).

DynP2TypeNamex - The adjectival name for the dynamic method of the 2nd dynamic points in the xth dynamic interpretations file. (e.g. =“Radix”).

DynPointsAvailablex – A list of flags indicating which planets are available in the xth dynamic interpretations file as dynamic points.

DynPointsSelectedx – A list of flags indicating which planets have been selected by the user for the xth dynamic interpretations file as dynamic points.

RadixPointsAvailablex – A list of flags indicating which planets are available in the xth dynamic interpretations file as radix points.

RadixPointsSelectedx – A list of flags indicating which planets have been selected by the user for the xth dynamic interpretations file as radix points.

DynAspectsAvailablex – A list of flags indicating which aspects are available in the xth dynamic interpretations file.

DynAspectsSelectedx – A list of flags indicating which aspects have been selected by the user for the xth dynamic interpretations file.

DynOrbEnterx – The entering orb for dynamic aspects for the xth dynamic interpretations file.

DynOrbLeavex – The leaving orb for dynamic aspects for the xth dynamic interpretations file.

Our Solar Writer quality interpretation reports for Windows are beautifully illustrated and written by world-renowned astrologers.