Vedic Chart (S)

This displays a vedic style chart using the South Indian convention of square shaped whole-sign houses, with a diagonal line through the house which contains the ascendant. Note that you would normally use this chart style to display charts which were cast in a sidereal zodiac rather than the tropical zodiac.


Vedic Chart (N)

This displays a vedic style chart using the North Indian convention of diamond shaped whole-sign houses. Note that you would normally use this chart style to display charts which were cast in a sidereal zodiac rather than the tropical zodiac.


Vedic Dasas

This displays a list of Dasas (major planetary periods) and Bhuktis (sub planetary periods) using the current default sidereal zodiac for the selected chart. The number of planetary periods covered depends on the number of data lines selected for the object. For example, 60 data lines will cover about 100 years from birth.

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