Using the Utilities Menu

Solar Fire has a Utilities menu that is completely customizable by the user. When you first install Solar Fire, the Utilities menu will already contain a list of options, including options which start up most of the separate programs that are supplied with Solar Fire, such as the Chart Export utility and the Rulerships and Weightings Editor. However, you may add items to, delete items from, or rearrange this list as you wish.


>> To start up the Utilities Menu Editor

Select the Assign to Menu option from the "Utilities" menu.

This will display the "Edit Solar Fire Utilities Menu" screen.

The list box on the left of the screen displays a list of all the items which will appear in Solar Fire’s Utilities menu. The text boxes on the right display the details associated with the currently selected item.

Editing Menu Items

Deleting Menu Items

Reordering the Menu

Saving Changes to the Menu

Suggestions for the Utilities Menu

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