When you have finished creating or editing any text input (.def) files, then you can start the Compiler after specifying the output (.int) file. The output file is the file which Solar Fire will use, when the "Interpretations Window" is opened, to read interpretations from.


>> To specify an output file

Do one of the following...

Enter the full file path and name into the "Output File" text box


Click on the File Selection button to the right of the text box - This will display a standard windows dialog box allowing you to specify the folder and name of the output file.

Note: For Solar Fire to be able to use the output file it MUST have an ".INT" file extension. And generally it should also be placed in the "Solar Fire User files\Interpretations" subfolder, so if you specify different locations or extensions then you will have to copy the resulting output file to the correct location and give it the correct extension before Solar Fire will recognize it as a valid interpretations file. (There is an exception possible to this folder rule, but it is advised only for the computer literate- see Interpretation Files)


>> To start the compilation

Click on the Compile button.

The compiler makes two passes of the input file/s. On the first pass the syntax of each entered line of text is checked. If there are no errors, then a second pass is performed during which the output file is created. You can see which pass is currently being performed by looking at the Pass No. text box, and which keyword lines are currently being read by looking at the Keyword text box. The compilation is complete when the Pass No. text box contains the word “Finished”.

If the output file that you have selected already exists, then you will be asked whether or not you wish to overwrite it. If you choose to do so, then the original copy of the output file will only be deleted after the compiler has checked the syntax of your input files, and starts its second pass. Therefore, if the compiler finds any syntax errors, the original file will remain unchanged.

The compilation may take several minutes or more, depending on how much text has been entered. You can stop the compilation at any time by clicking on the Stop button. You can safely do this at any time during the first pass. If you do this during the second pass of the compiler, then the output file will probably be useable by Solar Fire, but will not contain all of the required text.

If there are syntax errors encountered, then an error message will be sent to the "Compiler Messages" list box for each line which contains a syntax error. When the compiler finishes, you can browse through these messages in order to pinpoint where amendments must be made. You may need to refer to the File Layout specification in order to determine how to correct the error. You can access the editing options of the compiler by clicking on the Edit Text Files button.

If no errors are encountered, then the first line of the list box will say "Errors Encountered: 0", and following this will be a list of the information types for which valid input text was found. In this case, you will be able to use the output file in Solar Fire successfully.


>> To exit from the interpretations compiler

Click on the Quit button.

For information on how to select the interpretations file you have just compiled for use in Solar Fire, see Changing the interpretations file.

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