Adding or deleting sets of rulerships will affect how many different rulership reports are available in the list of available reports as described in Generating Chart Reports, and in the list of rulerships available in the menu of the interpretations screen. When Solar Fire is first installed, there are four sets of rulerships: Modern, Old, Esoteric and Hierarchical. Each set of rulerships defines, for each sign, its ruler, what is exalted and what is the ruler of each of the decanates.

The Modern set of rulerships uses rulerships as used by most modern astrologers.

The Old set of rulerships uses Mars as ruler of Scorpio, Saturn as ruler of Aquarius, and Jupiter as ruler of Pisces.

The Esoteric and Hierarchical rulerships use a completely different set of associations, as defined in the book "Esoteric Astrology" by Alice A. Bailey.

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