In the Astrologer's Assistant you can progress two different base charts to the same date, then make a composite chart and print it, delete the progressed charts, and then view the composite.

1.Click on the Astrologer’s Assistant button to open the floating dialog box

2.Click on the Record button

3.Select any natal type base chart (it doesn’t matter which) from the list of "Calculated Charts" and then from the Chart menu select Progressed and progress it to the current date.

4.Select a different natal chart and then from the Chart menu select Progressed and progress it to the current date.

5.then from the Chart menu select Combined and select both of the newly calculated progressed charts as the base charts, and select the required composite method.

6.Once calculated, select from the View menu select Current Chart.

7.Click on the Stop button to stop recording.

8.Click on the Edit Task List button to see the dialog below.

9.Fill in the title and description as required.

10.Click on the two “Calculate: Sec.Prog.” tasks one by one, and select the “Use current date and time as base” option for each one. (These ensure that the charts are always progressed to the current date, instead of the date on which you created this task list.)

11.Click on the OK button

12.Click on the Save button and supply a file name to save this set of tasks under.

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