Entering Location Details

Location details are: the place name, the country or state, the timezone, the latitude and the longitude. It is possible to enter each of these items manually onto the “New Chart Data Entry” screen, but there are also shortcuts to finding and entering the location details that you need.


>> To restore the default location details

You would normally already have set the default location to be where you live (see Setting the Default Place). To retrieve all the details and insert them automatically into the required text boxes, simply select the Restore button.

TIP: To recall a place that you have used recently, or is on your list of favorite places, click on the down arrow on the Place drop-down box and select the required place from the list


>> To perform an automatic atlas lookup

1.Ensure that the Auto Lookup check box is checked

2.Enter the name of the required place into the Place box. You can enter up to 20 characters to describe the location name. Typically this would be city name or city name and state (e.g. "London" or "New York NY").

3.Enter the country or state into the Country/State box. You can enter up to 20 characters to describe the country or state (e.g. Canada, USA, Australia, NY, MA, NSW, VIC).

4.As soon as you move the cursor out of the Country/State box (or press the Enter key whilst the cursor is still in the Country/State box), an atlas lookup will be performed invisibly to you, and if the place is found, then the remaining zone latitude and longitude boxes will be updated with the details stored in the atlas for this place.

5.If the place is not found in the atlas, then you will see a dialog box informing you of this, and you will be taken into the place dialogs in order to try to find the required place.

SHORTCUT: If when entering a new chart, you enter a place in the "Place" textbox and see that the country for that place is already entered in Country/State textbox, and therefore you next click on the "OK" button, a warning may be displayed. This is to ensure that the timezone, latitude and longitude are updated for the place you have just entered, and the warning will tell you that a Country must also be entered. If you know the country is correct then you can just click in the "Country/State" textbox and then click on the "OK" button again - this will force a fresh lookup of the place details in the Atlas, there is no need in this case to actually re-enter the country again.


>> To perform a manual atlas lookup

Select the Place button.

This will display a dialog box that allows the selection or entry of a place from the ACS Atlas. This is described in detail in Using the ACS Atlas. Using this button will cause data to be automatically entered into all the boxes relating to location, including time zone, longitude and latitude. The time zone will be adjusted automatically for any daylight saving etc.

If you have already obtained all the location details from the atlas, then you can skip the following sections that describe how to enter timezones, latitudes and longitudes.

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