Entering Life Events

It is possible to enter an indefinite number of life events relating to a chart, which are stored and saved along with the chart details (see Working with Life Events for more information). These events can be accessed in other parts of Solar Fire, making it easy to cast subsidiary charts (such as progressions or directions) for such life events, or view the chart animation screen for these life events, without having to re-enter the event details again.

Each life event can also have an unlimited amount of free text stored with it. This can be used, for example, to store a description or detailed account of the event and circumstances surrounding it.


>> To enter or edit life events

Click on the Life Events… button

This will open up the Life Events editing window, which allows you to browse, enter or edit any life events. Any events that you enter will remain associated with the chart when you use it in Solar Fire, so that when you save it to a file, the life events that you enter here will also be saved with it. See 50 for an explanation of how to use the Life Events editing window.

Note that you can also easily edit any life events that you enter here after you have calculated the chart, and also after you have saved the chart, if you wish to, from other places in the program.

However, if you do not save this chart to a file or retain it before exiting from Solar Fire, then any life events that you enter here will be discarded along with the chart that you create here.

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