Editing an Aspect Set

This section describes how to edit files that contain definitions of aspect sets to be used in displaying an aspected chart or aspect grid or in generating a report type which includes aspects.


>> To edit an aspect file

1.Choose Aspect Set from the Chart Options menu

2.From the File Manager, select the file you wish to edit, and click on the Edit button. - This will display the "Edit Aspect Set" screen.

The list box on the left of the screen contains a list of all the aspect names that are currently available. Those aspect names preceded by a plus mark are those aspects that are currently switched on, so that it is possible to see at a glance which aspects are included in this set.

The symbol for the currently selected aspect is displayed in the "Glyph" box, and the orb angles relating to this aspect are displayed in editable boxes. The color used to display the aspect line and glyph for the standard aspects is whatever is defined in the currently selected aspect color set. For instructions on altering aspect colors, see Editing a Color File.


>> To switch on an aspect which is currently switched off

Select the aspect name from the list box, and then select the Restore button, or double-click on the aspect name in the list box.


>> To switch off an aspect which is currently switched on

Select the aspect name from the list box, and then select the Remove button.


>> To switch on or off multiple aspects at once

Select all the desired aspects from the list using the Ctrl key with the mouse to make multiple selections, and then select either the Restore or Remove button.


>> To alter aspect orbs

1.Select the aspect name from the list box

2.Use the edit keys to edit the entries in the aspect orb boxes - Aspect orbs may be entered as degrees, minutes and seconds, or as decimal degrees (e.g. 9 30 or 9.5 for 930'). See Entering Angles for more information on entering angles.

There are three types of orbs...

Natal - These orbs are used on all charts and reports other than progressed charts or dynamic reports.

Progressed - These orbs are used on all progressed charts and reports relating to progressed charts.

Transits - These orbs are used for entering and leaving events in all dynamic (transits and progressions) reports.

You may specify different orbs for luminaries and for other chart points. (Luminaries are the sun and the moon only). Luminary aspect orbs are used whenever at least one of the chart points in aspect to one another is a luminary. Also, you may specify a different orb depending on whether the aspect is approaching exactness (applying) or is moving away from exactness (separating).

Note: Within an individual chart, Solar Fire calculates whether any aspect is applying or separating according to the rate of motion of both points involved in the aspect. An exception to this is when a chart angle is involved in the aspect. In this case the chart angle is assumed to be stationary. (Chart angles are the Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex and Equatorial Ascendant.) When an aspect is being made between two separate charts, Solar Fire takes account of the motion of the planet in the first chart, and holds the planet in the second chart stationary. Therefore, whether an aspect is found to be applying or separating depends on the order in which the charts are considered, and swapping the order of the charts may affect whether a particular aspect is deemed to be applying or separating. In the case of a biwheel, the inner chart is always held fixed, whilst in the case of a synastry grid, the chart across the grid is always held fixed. In synastry reports, the first chart listed is always held stationary.

Note: It is not possible for the user to alter any standard aspect name, aspect angle or aspect symbol. However, you can add user-defined aspects for which any of these items may be altered - see the following section on advanced options for more information.


>> To change the style or thickness of the aspect line

Click on the Linestyle button to loop through the different line styles and thicknesses that are available.

A sample of the linestyle is displayed below the symbol in the Glyph window.


>> To edit the description of the aspect set

Click on the Description edit box and type in any text you want.

This text appears in the "File Manager" to assist you in finding the aspect set that you want, so it is best to type in some meaningful description of what this aspect file contains.


>> To save any changes when you have finished editing the aspect set

Select the Save button

Selecting Advanced Options

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