Descriptions of the Reports

These are the different types of reports you can choose from in Solar Fire. To view any of these reports see Viewing Reports or Tabulations for a Single Chart.


Chart Analysis

Chart details: name, birth date, birth time, latitude, longitude, etc.

Astronomical information: DeltaT, Ephemeris Time, Julian Day, Sidereal Time at Greenwich, Local Sidereal Time, Obliquity of the ecliptic, Adjusted Calculation Date for midnight and midday ephemerides.

Chart angles: the longitudes of the Ascendant and Midheaven computed to the second of arc.

House cusps: the longitudes of the intermediate house cusps and angles computed to the second of arc.

Chart points: longitudes, daily travel, latitudes, declinations, azimuths and altitudes of all planets and points selected.

Stationary Points: for any points deemed stationary, shows the distance from exact station in time and longitude

Lunar phase: the Sun/Moon angle and its phase out of 8 and 28 phases.

Sign Elements and Modalities analysis: weighted points showing the concentration of planets and points in Fire, Earth, Air and Water; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

House Modalities analysis: weighted points showing the concentration of planets and points in Angular Succedent, Cadent.

Chart Shape: name of chart shape, if any

Note: In the Chart point listing, the daily travel values are normally given in degrees and minutes per day. However, if the rate of travel is less than 1 degree per day, then it is given in minutes and seconds of arc per day instead.

Note: In the Chart points listing, the following flags may be shown immediately after the longitude:

(no flag) - Direct, not within orb of a station

R - Retrograde, not within orb of a station

SD - Within orb of a station - Direct, following the exact station

DS - Within orb of a station - Direct, prior to the exact station

SR - Within orb of a station - Retrograde, following the exact station

RS -Within orb of a station - Retrograde, prior to the exact station


Rulerships Report

This report is available using any available level of rulerships. (It is possible to add your own rulerships to Solar Fire. Refer to page Changing Rulerships and Weightings for instructions on how to do this.) It shows the following:

Planets: accidentally dignified, in mutual reception, in rulership, detriment, exaltation and fall, and the final dispositor.

Chart points: in signs, house, house ruled, dispositor and dispositor's house.


Horary Report

Planetary day, planetary hour, hour of day or night

House Cusps: Almutens (calculated according to the options in the houses.alm almuten definition file)

Chart Points: Ruler, Exalted, Triplicity, Term, Face, Detriment, Fall, Score, Peregrine (calculated according to the options in the essdig.alm dignity definition file)

Chart Hyleg: according to Bonatti’s method and Ptolemy’s method.


Aspects List

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

Aspects list: listing of aspects in order from the Moon to the Lunar South Node, showing orb and whether applying or separating.

When this report is produced as a synastry report, aspects shown are between the two charts instead of between planets within the single chart.


Sorted Aspects

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

Orb used: maximum orb angle

Aspects list: listing of aspects in order of increasing orb and whether applying or separating.

When this report is produced as a synastry report, aspects shown are between the two charts instead of between planets within the single chart.


Aspects Analysis

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

Major aspect patterns found: Click on the Patterns… button to preview all the available aspect patterns and to switch any patterns on or off.

Aspect distribution grid: the number of aspects found among the inner planets, outer planets, and angles.

Aspect frequency analysis: aspect type, actual aspect hits, likely aspect hits, and the percentage of difference from expected frequency of aspect hits.

When this report is produced as a synastry report, aspect patterns do not appear on the report, and the aspect distribution relates to aspects between the two charts.

Note: The "Orb Tightness" of each pattern indicates how close the aspects involved in the pattern are to being exact. A value of 100% would indicate that all the aspects in the pattern are exact, whereas a value of 0% would indicate that all the aspects are at the outer limit of their allowable orbs. In more technical terms, it uses an RMS (root mean square) value of the normalized orbs (where normalized means the ratio of actual orb to maximum allowable orb).


Chart Point Sort

Modulus used: modulus angle

List of chart points: In order of modulus angle, including zodiacal positions

When this report is produced as a synastry report, the points from both charts are listed together, and are flagged to show which chart they belong to.


Sensitive Points

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

List of sensitive points: zodiacal position, aspect made, chart point aspecting this position

This report is especially useful for quickly finding what is being triggered in a chart by a transiting planet, for example. It is also useful simply as a list of what points in the zodiac are sensitive in chart.


MidPoint Listing

Modulus used: modulus angle

List of midpoints: In planetary order, modulus angle

List of midpoints: In midpoint order, modulus angle

When this chart is produced as a synastry report, the midpoints from the first chart are mixed with the primary positions (i.e. the positions of the chart points themselves) of the second chart, and these are flagged to show which chart they belong to. In this manner it is possible to see the positions of the transiting planets relative to a chart's midpoints, for example.


MidPoint Axes

Modulus used: modulus angle

Orb used: orb angle

List of Axes: In planetary order down the screen. Midpoints within orb are listed across the page (and onto next line if line is full).

Example: *Ura* Vp/Sat 0 02d *ASC* 0 05 Mar/Jup 0 09

This shows that Uranus is within 2 minutes of arc of the midpoint of the Vernal Point (0 Aries) and Saturn; within 5 minutes of arc of the Ascendant; and within 9 minutes of arc of the midpoint Mars and Jupiter, within the modulus specified. Also note that the "d" indicates that the midpoint is a conjunction or opposition, regardless of the modulus chosen.


MidPoint Trees

Modulus used: modulus angle

Orb used: orb angle

List of Trees: In planetary order across the screen. Midpoints within orb are listed down the page under each point.

Example, showing the same midpoints as in the previous example:


Vp/Sat 0 02d

*ASC* 0 05

Mar/Jup 0 09


Midpoint Modes

Cardinal Points: Zodiacal position of chart points and midpoints which are in cardinal signs, plus modulus angle of points which are in semisquare or sesquisquare to chart points and midpoints.

Fixed Points: As for cardinal points

Mutable Points: As for cardinal points

This report is especially useful for quickly finding any 8th harmonic aspects to midpoints in a chart.

For example, in the cardinal section of the report, if two of the entries are:-

 Mar/Nep 14Li59 Mer/Nod 15 25

... then a transiting point at 15Cp00is square the Mar/Nep midpoint in the chart with an orb of 1 minute, and is either semisquare or sesquisquare the Mer/Nod midpoint with an orb of 25 minutes.


Arabic Parts

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

List of Parts: Name and zodiacal position

List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs


Star Aspects

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination

List of aspects: Aspects to fixed stars in current fixed star file, orb and star keywords


Star Parans

Parans Used: List of which parans are included (rise, set, upper culmination, lower culmination)

Paran Orb: maximum paran orb

Chart Points: Zodiacal position and declination

List of parans: Parans to fixed stars in current fixed star file, star keywords


Planetary Nodes

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

Chart Points: North node position and daily travel, South node position and daily travel

List of aspects: Aspects to other chart points, in order of increasing orb



Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

List of Asteroids in current asteroid file: Longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A. and Declination, list of aspects from asteroid to other chart points, orbs


Other Bodies

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

List of Bodies: Name, longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A. and Declination

List of Aspects: Aspects to chart points, orbs

The bodies which appear in this report are those whose orbital elements are defined in a file called “extras.dat”, which resides in Solar Fire’s \Solar Fire User Files\Points & Colors folder. If you have adequate knowledge of orbital elements, it is possible to add or remove bodies from this file, and these changes will be reflected in this report. See Format of the Orbital Elements File for an explanation of the format of this file.


MWA (Munkasey Midpoint Weighting Analysis)

Total Hits, Midpoints in weighted order, Hits in weighted order, Planets in weighted order, sign weights, house weights, harmonic weights.

Unlike the original MWA that includes all of Munkasey’s PSPs (personal sensitive points), this version of the report uses only the currently selected chart points.

The weightings are specified in the file MWA.INI in Solar Fire’s Settings folder, and adventurous users can edit this file if they wish to alter the weightings.


Difference Listing

Modulus used: modulus angle

List of differences: In planetary order, modulus angle

List of differences: In difference order, modulus angle

The difference between a pair shown in the report as “A/B” is computed as (Position B – Position A), i.e. it indicates the zodiacal distance from point A forward through the zodiac to point B.


Extra Ring Points

Aspects used: aspect abbreviation or glyph, aspect angle, luminary applying and separating orb (Sun/Moon to other planets), other planet or chart point applying and separating orb, aspect name.

List of points in current extra ring points file: Longitude, daily travel, latitude, R.A. and Declination, list of aspects from asteroid to other chart points, orbs

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