>> To decompile an interpretations (*.int) file

1.Open the "Interpretations Window" (see Opening the Interpretations Window)

2.Click on the File menu, then Edit Interpretations. This will open the "Interpretations Editor".

3.If no file is opened in the "Interpretations Editor" then select the Open option from the File menu, select a file then click on the Open button.

4.Select the Decompile option from the File menu - this will display a standard “Save File As” dialog.

5.Enter a file name - the file name must be a valid file name, and should have a “.def” extension. (Technically this is not strictly necessary, but you're better off to standardize your input files with this extension). Normally it is best to choose the same name as the current file, e.g. standard.def or transits.def, if you are decompiling one of Solar Fire’s supplied interpretation (*.int) files.
However this too isn't necessary and you can give it any name, which may useful if you want to experiment or create various definition files for one or more interpretation categories, and then compile them into alternative interpretation files that can be selected as appropriate for different uses in Solar Fire.

6.Optionally select a new folder. If you choose a different folder, then you will need to remember where you have placed the file when you wish to recompile it.

7.Select the OK button. You will see a confirmation message showing you the full path and name of the decompiled file when it has finished.

Note: Remember that after you have decompiled an interpretations file, you have two versions of the interpretations - the original interpretations file (an *.int file), and the decompiled text file (a *.def file). If you make any changes to the original file in (via) the "Interpretations Window", then if you recompile it's decompiled (*.def) file using the same name as the original (*.int) file, those changes in the *.int file will be overwritten, as they were not also made to the *.def file. For this reason, if you are using the decompile/compile method (via the "Interpretations Compiler") it is better to only make changes to interpretation text in the decompiled (*.def) file, never in the compiled (*.int) file.

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