Available Fields

The available fields are...

Name/Description - A character string which contains a name for the chart e.g. “John Smith”

Date (String) - A character string which contains a date for the chart. This may be in any format that is understood by programs from Esoteric Technologies such as the Solar range and JigSaw e.g. “1 Apr 1999”

Year - The year number, which can also be negative for BC years (where 1BC = Year 0, 2BC = Year -1 etc...)

Month - The month number (1-12)

Day - The day number (1-31)

Time (String) - A character string which contains a time for the chart. This may be in any format that is understood by programs from Esoteric Technologies such as the Solar range and JigSaw e.g. “12:59:17 pm”

Hour - The hour number (0-23)

Minute - The minute number (0-59)

Second - The second number (0-59)

AM/PM Indicator - A character string which flags whether the time is AM or PM if its hour number is 12 or less. (The value of this flag for recognizing PM times may be specified as an additional option.)

Zone Abbreviation - A character string which is a label for the time zone (e.g. “EST”, “ACDT” etc.)

Zone Time (String) - A character string which contains a timezone for the chart. This may be in any format that is understood by programs from Esoteric Technologies such as the Solar range and JigSaw e.g. “-9:30”

Zone Time (Numeric) - The numeric value of the timezone in decimal hours from GMT. The standard used in  programs from Esoteric Technologies is to use a -ve number for times east of the Greenwich Meridian e.g. -9.5. (If you need to use the opposite convention, then you can choose to reverse its sign automatically as an additional option.)

Zone Time Hour - The hour number of the timezone (-13 to +13)

Zone Time Minute - The minute number of the timezone (0-59)

Zone Time Second - The second number of the timezone (0-59)

Place Name - A character string which contains a name for the place of the chart e.g. “Adelaide”

Country/State Name - A character string which contains an additional name for the place of the chart e.g. “Australia”

Longitude (String) - A character string which contains a longitude for the chart. This may be in any format that is programs from Esoteric Technologies such as the Solar range and JigSaw e.g. “84E59 59”

Longitude (Numeric) - The numeric value of the longitude in decimal degrees. The standard used in programs from Esoteric Technologies is to use a -ve number for longitudes east of the Greenwich Meridian e.g. -123.7891. (If you need to use the opposite convention, then you can choose to reverse its sign automatically as an additional option.)

Longitude Degree - The degrees number (0-180)

Longitude Minute - The minutes number (0-59)

Longitude Second - The seconds number (0-59)

Longitude Hemisphere - A character string which flags whether the longitude is East or West. (The value of this flag for recognizing Western longitudes may be specified as an additional option.)

Latitude (String) - A character string which contains a latitude for the chart. This may be in any format that is programs from Esoteric Technologies such as the Solar range and JigSaw e.g. “35S55”

Latitude (Numeric) - The numeric value of the longitude in decimal degrees.

Latitude Degree - The degrees number (0-90)

Latitude Minute - The minutes number (0-59)

Latitude Second - The seconds number (0-59)

Latitude Hemisphere - A character string which flags whether the latitude is North or South. (The value of this flag for recognizing Northern latitudes may be specified as an additional option.)

Filler - Any character string or number. The value for the filler must be specified as an option of the current field when it is selected.

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