Antiscia and Contra-Antiscia Charts

These charts are calculated by taking the "mirror image" of each planet and asteroid about an axis of longitude. There are two methods of calculating such charts in this program.


Antiscia - 0 Degrees Capricorn

The axis about which the mirror image is taken is 0 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer.

Points in a natal chart which are tightly conjunct or opposite points in its antiscia chart are thought to be points of personal self-fulfillment (i.e. indicators of in what areas the individual is self sufficient and does not require a relationship in order to be fulfilled.)


Contra-Antiscia - 0 Degrees Aries

The axis about which the mirror image is taken is 0 degrees of Aries and Libra.

Points in a natal chart which are tightly conjunct or opposite points in its contrascia chart are thought to be points of public self-fulfillment (i.e. indicators of fame).

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